Our Mission

Discover and develop the genius in every human.
Do our part to improve our planet.
Instill a strong drive in our community to do the same.


B - Believe and Balance

R - Respect and Responsibility

I - Inspire and Innovate

T - Transform and Think

E - Educate and Encourage

Key Principals

EVERY child deserves a SPECIAL education.

Is there really such a thing as a "TYPICAL" child?  Every child faces his or her own challenges.  And every child has a unique ability, a unique gift that sets them apart from the rest.  It is our job as parents and educators to find that unique ability and give that child the resources they need to flourish.


Our PLUMS program allows us to guide our students interests, goals and progress both short and long term.

BFA works on an autonomous mastery level approach we call PLUMS. 
or as the kids prefer to call it, Supervisor)
Each critical subject lesson or developmental milestone is worked on till mastery is achieved.  Non critical subjects may only make it to the Presented level. If there is no interest shown, focus will be made on subject areas that interest the child. With this model each child is able to progress at his or her learning speed. No child will be bored, listening to lessons they have already mastered, and no child will lose confidence being forced to build on lessons they have not yet understood.

Each child is encouraged to explore their own internal motivation with freedom of choice and time for independant projects and activites. Every student is the master of his or her day, creating their goals and helping to map out their own schedules.
However, just like in real life, there are the "Gotta Do" tasks and the "Wanna Do" tasks. The trick is to find BALANCE, to be able to accomplish your Wanna Do tasks without ignoring your Gotta Do tasks.


Students progress at their own pace and receive personalized assistance reaching their developmental, social and academic goals.

BRITE FUTURE ACADEMY was the first, and to our knowledge, still the only fully inclusive (mixing students of all abilities, from learning challenges to highly gifted and any point in between) Micro School (Think of it as Montessori 2.0. Old School mixed with technology, and a little Reggio for all ages) in Arizona. We are community based secular private school focused on serving the 60+% of students that are underserved by "traditional" schools. Our goal is to preserve the natural curiosity and build a lifelong love of  learning for every child. With a customized approach over a one size fits all, age based teaching approach focused on standardized testing as the primary guage of progress or success.  With our approach, we are able to focus on the whole person, not just a subject or score.  Children are allowed to explore, discover, imagine, create and grow in any direction they wish.  We encourage every child to develop their core talents in addition to building a strong academic core.   

BFA works on an autonomous mastery level approach we call PLUMS. (Presented - Learning - Understood - Mastered - Skilled or as the kids prefer to call it, Supervisor) Each subject lesson or developmental milestone is worked on till mastery is achieved.  With this model each child is able to progress at his or her learning speed. No child will be bored, listening to lessons they have already mastered, and no child will lose confidence being forced to build on lessons they have not yet understood.

We cover some of the areas that have been lost in our society  Manners and etiquette. Love, compassion and empathy for people and animals. Animal care.  Languages. Sign Language. Personal Care. Health and wellness. Healthy eating. Healthy Cooking. Fitness. Communication and so much more.

Problem solving and  communication are two more skills that are rarely taught in our schools. Why?  These are two of the greatest skills any person can master, and also two of the toughest for adults and children alike. 

Every child is allowed to explore different learning styles - methods, and allowed to choose the method that works best for them.

Is homework a nightmare in your home?

Is it a challenge to get your child to want to go to school? Much less get them to school?

Does your child fidget?

Work better on the floor, the couch, upside down off the couch?

Do they have to touch everything, play with everything or refuse to touch anything?

Are they happiest curled up with a good book or running down a field?

Do they prefer building things with blocks or working through math equations on paper?

Do they work better alone, or do they work better if they are talking out loud in a group.

Do they need quiet work space, or prefer to have music playing in the background?  

We can help each child create their best environment to learn.

 (Find out more about a few specific programs here)




"Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. "

~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

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